BA Hons (Uni Melb.) Grad Dip Ed. (UCAN) PhD (UniSA)
This book engages contemporary debates about the notion of secularism outside of the field of education in order to consider how secularism shapes the formation of progressive sexuality education.
This book focuses on key contemporary discourses related to sexualities and schooling.
Aggleton, P., Cover, R., Marshall, D., Leahy, D., & Rasmussen, M.
Aggleton, P. with Kerry Robinson, Kath Albury, Louisa Allen, Cristyn Davies, Suzanne Dyson, Roger Ingham, Sharon Lamb, Daniel Marshall, Claire Maxwell, Alan McKee, Mary Lou Rasmussen and Ian Rivers (2017
Allen, L. & Rasmussen, M.
Gowlett, C., & Rasmussen, M.
Allen, A., Rasmussen, M. & Quinlivan K.
Culture, Health and Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care (co-edited with Mark Davis)
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, (co-edited with Christina Gowlett) (Became an edited volume)
Sex Education (co-edited with Daniel Marshall)
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (co-edited with Susan Talburt)
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 2004, (co-edited with Vicki Crowley)
Rasmussen, M. Categorial Imaginings and Possibilities for Reinvention. In Henderson, E. F., & Nicolazzo, Z. (Eds.). (2018). Starting with Gender in International Higher Education Research. Routledge.
Copland, S. & Rasmussen, M. (2019) Safe schools, marriage equality and LGBT youth suicide. Pp. 205-216 in Duggan, S., Gray, E., Kelly, P., Finn, K. and Gagnon, J. (Eds.) Social Justice in Times of Crisis and Hope: Young People, Well-being and the Politics of Education. Peter Lang, New York.
Rasmussen, M. & Neary, A. (2018) Robot Babies, Young People and Pregnancy Prevention: Alternative Imaginings of Sexual Futures. In Lamb. S. & Gilbert, J. (eds) The Cambridge Handbook of Sexual Development, Cambridge University Press.
Wolfe, M. & Rasmussen, M. (forthcoming) Uniformly Materialising the Affective Boy/Girl with School Dress. In Dernikos, B., Lesko, N., McCall, S., & Niccolini, A. High Passions: An Affect and Education Reader.
Wolfe, M. & Rasmussen, M. (2018) Girls’ Tales: Experiences of schooling: Making a Re/Active Documentary Film. In Kember, D. & Corbett, M. (Eds). Structuring the Thesis: Matching Method, Paradigm, Theory and Findings Springer, Singapore.
Rasmussen, M. & Leahy, D. (2018) Young People, Publics, and Counterpublics in School-based Education on Gender and Sexuality: An Australian Story. In S. Talburt, Ed. Youth Sexualities: Public Feelings and Contemporary Cultural Politics (Praeger)
Rasmussen, M. L. (2017). The Role of Theory in Research. In Wyse, D., Selwyn, N., Smith, E., & Suter, L. E. (Eds.) BERA/SAGE Handbook of Educational Research. pp. 53-71. SAGE.
Copland, S., & Rasmussen, M. (2017) Safe Schools, Marriage Equality and LGBT Youth Suicide. In Jones, T. (Ed)(2017). Bent Street. Clouds of Magellan: Melbourne. ISBN 9781925283167 (paperback); 9781925283174 (ebook)
Rasmussen, M. L., Cover, R., Aggleton, P., & Marshall, D. (2016). Sexuality, Gender, Citizenship and Social Justice: Education’s Queer Relations. In Palgrave International Handbook of Education for Citizenship and Social Justice (pp. 73-96). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Allen, L. & Rasmusssen, M.L. (2016) Introduction to the Palgrave Handbook of Sexuality Education. In L. Allen & M. L. Rasmussen (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Sexuality Education (pp. 1-19). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Rasmussen, M. (2016) Faith, Progressive Sexuality Education, and Queer Secularism: Unsettling Associations. In L. Allen & M. L. Rasmussen (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Sexuality Education (pp. 115-135). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Brömdal, A., Rasmussen, M. L., Sanjakdar, F., Allen, L., & Quinlivan K. (2017). Intersex Bodies in Sexuality Education: On the Edge of Cultural Difference. In L. Allen & M. L. Rasmussen (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Sexuality Education (pp. 369-390). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Rasmussen, M. & Gowlett, C. (2015) Queer theory, policy and education. In Kalervo Gulson, Matthew Clarke and Eva Bendix Petersen Eds. Education Policy and Contemporary Theory: Implications for research (pp.195-207). New York: Routledge.
Rasmussen, M. (2015) ‘Sex Education, Bodily Orientations and the Northern Territory Intervention’, in Poyntz, S. and Kennelly, J. (eds.) Phenomenology of Youth Cultures and Globalization: Lifeworlds and Surplus Meanings in Changing Times (pp.287-308). New York, Routledge.
Rasmussen, M. (2014) ‘Taking Homophobia’s Measure’. Chapter Four in Carlson, D. & Meyer, E. (eds.) Gender and Sexualities Education: A Reader. New York, Peter Lang, pp. 52-62.
Rasmussen, M. (2013) ‘Pleasure/Desire, Sexularism and Sexuality Education’, in Allen, L., Rasmussen M. & Quinlivan, K. (eds.) The Politics of Pleasure in Sexuality Education: Pleasure Bound. New York. Routledge, pp.153-168.
Allen, L., Rasmussen, M & Quinlivan. (2013) ‘Putting Pleasure Under Pressure’, in Allen, L., Rasmussen, M & Quinlivan, K (eds.) The Politics of Pleasure in Sexuality Education: Pleasure Bound. New York, Routledge, pp. 1- 11.
Rasmussen, M. (2011) Sex Education. Pp 185-189 in S. Talburt & N. Lesko Youth Studies: Keywords and Movements Routledge, New York.
Rasmussen, M. & Preston, L. (2009) Journeying to the Frinj of Outdoor Education. Pp. 103-114 in Quinlivan, K., Boyask, R. & Kaur, B. Educational Enactments in a Globalised World: Intercultural Conversations, Sense Publishing: Netherlands.
Leahy, D, Rasmussen, ML & Dinan Thompson, M, (2009) ‘Locating a sexual voice in health and physical education curriculum’. Pp. 106-120 in M. Dinan-Thompson (ed.), Health and physical education: contemporary issues for Australia and New Zealand, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Hickey-Moody, A.C. & Rasmussen, M.L. (2009). The sexed Subject In-Between Deleuze and Butler. In Deleuze and Queer Theory Eds. (Eds.) Storr & Nigianni. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Hickey-Moody, A., Rasmussen, M. & Harwood, V. (2008) How to be a real lesbian: The Pink Sofa & some fictions of identity, Chapter in S. Driver (ed) Queer Youth Cultures, SUNY, New York, pp.123-138.
Rasmussen, M., Mitchell, J. & Harwood, V. (2007) The queer story of the heterosexual questionnaire. In Nelson Rodriguez and William Pinar (eds.) Queering Straight Teachers: Discourse and Identity in Teacher Education, Peter Lang, New York.
Rasmussen, M. (2004) Safety and Subversion: The production of genders and sexualities in school spaces, in Rasmussen, M., Rofes, E. & Talburt, S. (2004) Youth and Sexualities: Pleasure, Subversion and Insubordination in and out of Schools, Palgrave, New York, 131 – 152.
Harwood V.C. & Rasmussen, M. (2004) Studying Schools with an Ethic of Discomfort, invited chapter in B. Baker & K. Heyning (Eds.) Dangerous Coagulations? The Uses of Foucault in the Study of Education, Peter Lang, New York, 305 – 321.
Harwood V.C. & Rasmussen, M. (2004) Problematising Gender and Sexual Identities in Damien Riggs and Gordon Walker, (Eds.) Out in the antipodes: Australian and New Zealand perspectives on gay and lesbian issues in psychology. Brightfire Press, Perth, WA, 413 – 437.
Newman, C.E., Prankumar, S. K., Cover, R., Rasmussen, M., Marshall, D., Aggleton, P. (under review) Inclusive health care for LGBTQ youth: From gay-friendly directories to inclusivity labour. Submitted to Critical Public Health on 25 April 2019.
Rasmussen, M.L., Southerton, C., Fela, G., Marshall, D., Cover, R., Aggleton, P., & Newman, C., Emerging LGBTQ youth social policy in Australia in 1980s and 1990s: Visibility and queer youth intelligibility Submitted to Archives of Sexual Behavior 21 May 2019.
Rasmussen, M.L., Carroll, K., Evans, A., Gray, E., Price, k., Todd, R., Copland, S., & el Ayadi, J. Researching young men and family formation: Two Stories, Will be submitted Men and Masculinities
Rasmussen, M., Singleton, A., Halafoff, A., Bouma, G. & Graefenstein, S. Religion, Sexuality and Gender: Towards a Survey Design capturing the Intersecting Worldviews of Australia’s Generation Z
Persson, A., Newman, C., Rasmussen, M.L., Marshall, D., Cover, R. & Aggleton, P. (forthcoming) Queerying notions of “difference” among two generations of Australians who do not identify heteronormatively, Sexuality and Culture
Neary, A. & Rasmussen, M. L., (forthcoming) Marriage Equality Time: Entanglements of sexual progress and childhood innocence in Irish primary schools, Sexualities
Cover, R., Aggleton, P., Rasmussen, M. L., & Marshall, D. (2019). The myth of LGBTQ mobilities: framing the lives of gender-and sexually diverse Australians between regional and urban contexts. Culture, health & sexuality, 1-15.
Hegarty, B., Marshall, D., Rasmussen, M. L., Aggleton, P., & Cover, R. (2018). Heterosexuality and race in the Australian same-sex marriage postal survey. Australian Feminist Studies, 33(97), 400-416.
Marshall, D., Aggleton, P., Cover, R., Rasmussen, M. L., & Hegarty, B. (2019). Queer generations: Theorizing a concept. International Journal of Cultural Studies.
Rasmussen, M. (2017) Religion and Education, what should their relationship be? Research in Education. 97, 1, 4-15.
Cover, R., Rasmussen, M.L., Aggleton, P. & Marshall, D. (2017). Progress in question: the temporalities of politics, support and belonging in gender-and sexually-diverse pedagogies, Continuum, 31,6,767-769.
Rasmussen, M. (2016), ‘What’s the place of queer theory in studies of gender, sexuality, and education on the periphery?’The Review of Education-Pedagogy-Cultural Studies, 38,1,73-84.
Rasmussen, M.L., Sanjakdar, F., Allen, L.E., Quinlivan, K.A., Bromdal, A., (2015), Homophobia, transphobia, young people and the question of responsibility, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 38 (1), 30-42.
Allen, L. & Rasmussen, M. (2015) Queer conversation in straight spaces: an interview with Mary Lou Rasmussen about queer theory in higher education, Higher Education Research & Development. 34, 4, 685-694.
Davis, M.D.M., Rasmussen, M.L., (2015) Sex, health and the technological imagination, Culture Health & Sexuality, 17, 4, 393-397.
Rasmussen, M.L., (2015), ‘Cruel optimism’ and contemporary Australian critical theory in educational research, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47, 2, 192-206.
Allen, L., Quinlivan, K., Aspin, C. Sanjakdar, D., Brömdal, A & Rasmussen, ML. (2014) Meeting at the Crossroads: Re-conceptualising difference in research teams. Qualitative Research Journal 14, 2, 119-133.
Quinlivan, K., Rasmussen, M., Aspin, C., Allen, L., & Sanjakdar, F. (2014) Crafting the normative citizen: Queerying the politics of race in the New Zealand health education curriculum. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 35, 3, 393-404.
Rasmussen, M., Gowlett, C. and Connell, R. (2014). Interview with Raewyn Connell: the cultural politics of queer theory in education research, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 35, 3, 335-346.
Rasmussen, M. & Allen, L. (2014) What can a concept do? Rethinking Education’s Queer Assemblages, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 35, 3, 433-443.
Allen, L., Quinlivan, K., Aspin, C., Sanjakdar, D., Brömdal, A & Rasmussen, ML. (2014) Meeting at the Crossroads: Re-conceptualising difference in research teams. Qualitative Research Journal. 14,2, 119-133.
Marshall, D., Rasmussen, M.L., (2013) Performing an intervention, Sex Education, vol 13, issue S1, Routledge, Abingdon Oxon United Kingdom, S1-S6.
Rasmussen, M.L., (2013) Taking homophobia’s measure, Confero: essays on education, philosophy and politics, 1, 2, 1-27.
Harwood, V. & Rasmussen, M. (2013) Practising Critique, attending to truth: The pedagogy of discriminatory speech, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 45, 8, 874-884.
Allen, L., Rasmussen, M., Quinlivan, K., Aspin, C., Sanjakdar, F. & Brömdal, A. (2014) Who’s afraid of sex at school? The politics of researching culture, religion and sexuality at school, International Journal of Research & Method in Education. 37, 1, 31-43.
Rasmussen, M. (2012) Pleasure/Desire, Sexularism and Sexuality Education, Sex Education 12 (4) 469-481. Special Issue – Obstacles to Good Quality Sexuality Education.
Rasmussen, M. (2010) Secularism, religion and “progressive” sex education, Sexualities, 13 (6) 699 – 712.
Rasmussen, M. (2010) Revisiting Moral Panics in Sex Education, Media International Australia (Special Issue — Children, Young People, Sexuality and the Media) 135: 118—130.
Talburt, S. & Rasmussen, M. (2010) Introduction. “After-queer” research: Pedagogies and Popular Culture. Special Issue International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 23 (1) 1-14. (This special issue was invited by Professor Deborah Youdell, Institute of Education, London, and Editor QSE, based on a symposium I organised with Susan Talburt at AERA in 2009)
Crowley, V. & Rasmussen, M. (2010) After dark in the antipodes: Pedagogy, place and queer phenomenology International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Special Issue, After-Queer Research, Talburt, S. & Rasmussen, M. (Eds.) 23 (1) 15—32.
Rasmussen, M. & Harwood, V. (2009) Young people, education and unlawful non-citizenship: Spectral sovereignty and governmentality in Australia, Globalisation, Societies and Education 7(1) 5 – 22.
Rasmussen, M. (2009) Beyond Gender Identity, Gender and Education, 21 (4), 431-447.
Rasmussen, M. (2007) Prescriptions for Sex and Gender in School Architecture, Redress: Journal of the Australian Association of Women Educators, 16 (1), 17-23.
Harwood, V. & Rasmussen, M. (2007) Scrutinizing sexuality and psychopathology: A Foucauldian inspired strategy for qualitative data analysis, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 20 (1), 31-50.
Rasmussen, M. (2006) Play School, Melancholia and the Politics of Recognition, British Journal of Sociology of Education 27 (4), 473-487.
Rasmussen, M. (2005) Heterosexuality and Gender Melancholy: Unsettling passionate attachments to subjection, Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 21, (2), 25-44.
Rasmussen, M L (2005) Sexualities and education in Australia: Which way forward? Curriculum Perspectives, Australian Curriculum Studies Association, 25 (3), 51-53
Rasmussen, M. (2004) “That’s so gay”: A study of the deployment of signifiers of sexual and gender identity in secondary school settings in Australia and the United States, Social Semiotics, Vol 14, No.3, 289-308.
Rasmussen, M. (2004) Wounded Identities, Sex and Pleasure: ‘Doing it’ at school. NOT! Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, (Special Issue – Wounded Identities and the Promise of Pleasure, Mary Lou Rasmussen and Vicki Crowley Eds.).Vol.24, No.2, 445-458.
Rasmussen, M. (2004) The Problem of ‘Coming Out’, Theory into Practice, Vol. 43, No. 2, 144 – 151.
Rasmussen, M. & Kenway, J. (2004) Queering the Youthful Cyberflaneur, in Globalizing Identities, Consuming Queer-/s: Issues in Education and Globalization, Special Issue of Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education. Vol.2, No.1, 47 – 63.
Rasmussen, M. & Harwood, V. C. (2003) Performativity, Youth and Injurious Speech. Teaching Education, vol. 14, no.1, 25-36.
Rasmussen, M. (2001) Queer trepidations and the art of inclusion Melbourne, Studies in Education, Special issue on inclusive education, Vol.44, no.1, 87-108.
Rasmussen, M., (2001) Queering schools and dangerous knowledges: Some new directions in sexualities, pedagogies and schooling (Review Essay), Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, Vol.22, No.2, 263 – 272.
Rasmussen, M. (2000) Homosexuality = Death; or Aren’t There Any Happy Queers in Aoteroa/New Zealand? Essay Review Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Vol. 44.